Phone : (+91 - 9393901111)
Opening Hours : Monday To Saturday - 8AM TO 8PM
Survey No.: 340, Ekmamidi Village,Telangana - 501101, India
Dr. OXY Super max is a product to supply prefilled medical oxygen. This product has a capacity of 1072 litres and has duration of 8 hours 30 minutes.
Dr. OXY super max includes a prefilled cylinder, valve, regulator, bag, mask/canula and a user manual.
The finger operated valve and regulator is simple to use by the patient himself. The oxygen quality in the cylinder is good due to its internal aluminium finish and a special internal cleaning process.
The cylinder is reusable and is therefore cost effective. Face mask can be used to deliver oxygen to the patient with a regulated flow of 6 to 10 litres per minute.
It will work 7 hrs in 1 lpm for more details please call 9393901111
Of course, breathing mask and tube part of the kit